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Earl Grey & Lavender Cupcakes - Oh My Lords and Ladies!

This recipe combination is one I have been thinking of doing for a while and considering that we are currently all in lockdown, what better time to try it for a little afternoon tea treat.

This cupcake flavor is inspired by one of my favorite local cafes where I frequent with the ladies, Cafe Lola, who serve THE MOST delightful Earl Grey and Lavender combination tea that they call "London Fog". Even the name is gorgeous! Now, being from Melbourne, I confess I can be a little snobby and particular about my tea and coffee's. I prefer them to be served strong and with no fancy-schmancy additions. There is NO Frappicino, half caf, non-fat, double caramel, extra sweetener and double whip action with a twist of lemon going on in my coffee cup! However, "London Fog" is the exception to my rule! Whilst I don't have milk in it, the dash of lavender added to the Earl Grey is so simple and truly to-die-for!

After a couple of weeks of ISO and no catch-up's with the ladies for tea, I was beginning to experience a serious longing for the taste of London Fog! So, she who bakes decided to bake it as a little test kitchen fun project. This, I have to say, has been the best test kitchen recipe success story to date! The whole family absolutely loved them. The Earl Grey cake cuts through the sweetness of the buttercream and it makes for the perfect flavor combination! Maybe I will try a twist of lemon with this next time....😉!

This recipe has a few little extra steps than a basic vanilla cupcake, but the end result is totally worth the extra 10 minutes in preparation. They will definitely be the talk of the next social catch up....when we can all safely have one day!

So without further ado....

Early Grey Cupcakes with Lavender Buttercream

Cupcake Mixture:

5 Earl Grey Teabags

1 cup milk

2 3/4 cups plain flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

200 g softened unsalted butter

1 3/4 cup castor sugar🇦🇺(bakers sugar 🇺🇸)

4 eggs

1 tablespoon vanilla extract (optional)

1 tablespoon of sour cream

Lavender Buttercream:

5 drops of culinary lavender oil

200g softened unsalted butter

1/2 cup of thickened cream (or full cream milk)

8 cups icing sugar 🇦🇺(confectioners sugar🇺🇸)

Preheat oven to 170c🇦🇺(338f🇺🇸).

Heat up milk on the stove until it is just about to boil, remove from the stove then add Earl Grey teabags to infuse flavor, set aside and prepare other ingredients, by the time you have prepared, the milk should be at room temperature and ready to add to the mix.

Sift together the flour and baking power.

Cream the butter for approx. 2 mins, or until the color changes slightly to a light yellow. Add 1/3 of the sugar at a time and beat for 2 minutes with each addition, continue to beat until light and fluffy and the sugar looks like it has dissolved.

Add one egg at a time and beat for 1 minute after each addition, again, after the last addition beat until it is light and fluffy.

Optional: Add the vanilla extract (note here that I use extract, I find it has more flavor than essence). I didn't use this in my original recipe.

At this point, remove teabags from the milk pot and squeeze excess moisture from the teabags into the pot of milk, this adds as much flavor as possible to the cupcake mix.

On a low speed add 1/3 of the flour until combined, then add 1/3 of the milk until combined and repeat. Add sour cream until combined. DO NOT over beat the mixture, it will give you tough cupcakes..eeww! I often beat on the lowest speed and just as the mixture combines, I remove from the mixer and then hand mix with a spatula to ensure it is well combined.

Then fill your cupcake papers with the delicious Earl Grey cake batter. I use an ice-cream scoop to evenly fill the cupcake papers, added bonus it is super quick. The cupcake paper should be filled to about 3/4 of the way, as they will rise.

Bake for 18-20 mins. To test, insert with fine skewer until it comes out clean.

Remove cupcakes from the baking trays immediately so they do not continue to bake and cool on a wire rack for approximately 30 minutes before frosting.

Lavender Buttercream

Cream the butter for 1-2 minutes or until the mixture changes to a lighter shade of yellow. Add the cream, lavender oil and half the icing sugar, beat until it is light and fluffy which should take about 3 minutes. Add the remaining sugar and continue to beat until the whole mixture is light and fluffy.

At this stage taste to ensure lavender flavor is present and to your liking, add one drop at a time and repeat process until you get to your desired taste. Also, ensure that when you taste your buttercream, that there is no grittiness to it, if there is, just continue to beat until it is smooth and silky.

I hope this recipe brings you as much joy as it has our household and that you and your families all stay safe and well during these strange and unprecedented times. These cupcakes can also be paired with a lovely series of Downton Abbey 😉.

Happy Baking!

Where Style and Flair, meet Good Taste!

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