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Mother's Day Blueberry Muffins

First of all I would like to wish all the amazing Mother's out there a wonderful Mother's Day. We come in all different forms and styles of Motherhood, each of us very different, but today we are all celebrated. So I hope each of you feel loved, know that you are loved and greatly appreciated. To me, nothing says that more than a morning coffee in bed and a Blueberry Muffin (which of course, I baked! LOL).

Now this post should have gone up yesterday, but I make no apologies for the fact that I took a day off....well from writing at least...there was still mothering and baking to be done, that goes without saying really...but I did give myself a break from the computer screen!

So Muffins for me were always a little bit of a conundrum. If I go to a cafe or restaurant and there are muffins, I never feel compelled to order them, I just don't find them that appealing. Now, put a lemon tart in that display cabinet and that poor little thing doesn't stand chance! It wasn't until recent years that I have become a lover of the muffin. To be fair, home cooked ones exclusively!! I cannot recall exactly why I started to bake them, but I do have a recollection that somewhere along the line one of the Kwirky Kids asked me what the difference was between a muffin and cupcake...which at the time I didn't really know. Although I did tell him, just to sound terribly clever, that muffins were bigger. Thankfully the poor child was much younger at the time so accepted the uneducated response and I do hope that he hasn't gone on to preach that to others. Which reminds me, probably should rectify that, will put that on the tomorrow's 'To Do List'....set children straight about Muffins v Cupcakes!!!

These days I love cooking up Muffins, the smell they leave in the house, they are perfect with a morning or afternoon coffee, the kiddos can grab them and eat on the go for a yummy snack, particularly on the way to sports when there is no time to prepare something else, great to take to informal gatherings or sport matches, also and most importantly there is never any complaints when I bake them! Added benefit, you can add pretty much any fruit you like to them and they are still going to taste amazing!

Blueberry is my particular favorite, the flavor just works really well in this bake, but if you want to really knock it out of the park for your friends...add a little lemon curd on the side or some lemon drizzle icing...pure deliciousness!

Blueberry Muffins

Pre-heat oven to 205c🇦🇺(400f🇺🇸)

2 cups of plain flour

1 tbls baking powder

1/2 tps salt

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/2 cup butter, melted and cooled

2 large eggs (room temp)

1/2 cup caster sugar🇦🇺(bakers sugar🇺🇸)

1/4 cup soft brown sugar

3/4 cup (generous) sour cream (room temp)

1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1 1/2 cups blueberries

In a large bowl mix flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, brown sugar and salt. Ensure there are no lumps.

In a mixing bowl, combine butter, eggs, sour cream and vanilla. Whilst on a medium speed until combined well.

Add dry ingredients into bowl and mix on a slow speed until all ingredients are just combined. Then removed from the mixer and use a spatula to ensure all ingredients are completely mixed well. Do NOT over mix.

Then add blueberries and mix by hand with spatula until well spread throughout mixture.

Spoon ingredients into large muffin cups (I like to use a ice-screen scoop). The bake for approximately 25 minutes or until muffin is cooked through, test with a metal skewer.

If you are using small muffin cups, cooking time will be 18 - 20 minutes.

Remove muffins from the trays and allow to cool, or eat them warm if you so desire.

Happy Baking!

Where Style and Flair, meet Good Taste!

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